Eveline will be giving an artist talk and presentation on August 22, at 19:00.
282 S. High Street PO Box 360
Sebastopol, CA 95472 Sebastopol, CA 95473
For Immediate Release
Innovations in Fiber Art VI
International Juried Fiber Art Exhibition
October 24 – November 30, 2013
Contact: Catherine Devriese
Sebastopol Center for the Arts
(707) 829-4797 Mon. – Fri. 10 am – 4 pm, cdevriese@sonic.net
SEBASTOPOL: Sebastopol Center for the Arts and Surface Design Association present Innovations in Fiber Art VI,
an international juried exhibition of thought-provoking, unconventional
and innovative fiber artworks expressed in a range of materials.
Jurors are Susan Taber Avila, artist and Professor of Design
(Textiles and Fashion) at the University of California, Davis and
Chutian Scholar at Wuhan Textile University in Wuhan, China. She has
exhibited work in Argentina, China, Costa Rica, Hong Kong, Lithuania,
Mexico, Swaziland, and the UK as well as numerous exhibitions in the
United States. Susan Taber Avila’s artwork is included in several books
and periodicals and she has published articles in Fiberarts, Ornament, and Surface Design Journal.
She was the co-creator of the website, FiberScene.com (1999-2010) and
she currently serves on the Board of Directors for the Surface Design
Joan Schulze, Independent artist and lecturer, whose work
has been shown in numerous museums and galleries worldwide since the
1970s. She exhibits and teaches internationally and is highly regarded
for her work in collage and the fiber arts. Reviewers have called her
the female “Rauschenberg”. Since 2000, Schulze has been juror, advisor
and the 2012 jury chair for From Lausanne to Beijing, the International Fiber Art Biennale.
She participated in the 4th Riga International Textiles & Fibre
Triennial in Latvia; in 2012 a solo show in Lisbon, Portugal. Her studio
is in San Francisco, California.
For the exhibition prospectus go to http://sebarts.org/index.php/calls-entry/
Awards: $500 Best of Show, $100 Second Prize, $100 Third Prize, Merit Awards, Awards of Excellence from SCA and SDA
Submission Deadline: September 9, 2013.
The show opens with a reception on Thursday, October 24, 6 pm – 7:30 pm, and runs through November 30, 2013
Sebastopol Center for the Arts, 282 S. High Street, Sebastopol, CA 95472, 707/829-4797.
Gallery Hours: Tuesday – Friday, 10 am – 4 pm, Saturday 1 – 4 pm.
Admission is free
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