Fibre Arts Newfoundland and Labrador 2015 - Call for Instructors
Deadline: January 31, 2014
Celebrating Craft in Newfoundland and Labrador and Craft Year 2015, Fibre Arts Newfoundland and Labrador will take place from October 15 - 18, 2015 in beautiful Gros Morne National Park.
This four day conference will consist of workshops, lectures, exhibitions, seminars, panel discussions and tours and is bound to satisfy your fibre yearnings.
The Instructor Committee is now calling for proposals from interested designers, makers, and teachers. We invite you to be creative, and develop sessions that will inspire our Conference participants to reach beyond the boundaries of their current studio practices, and think in new ways, explore new ideas and develop new products. The Committee welcomes innovation in techniques and materials.
We look forward to submissions directed at both entry level and established professional fibre artists. Workshops in the areas of dye, felt, knit, spin, weave, crochet, surface design and rug hooking will be accepted and considered, as well as fibre techniques used in other media.
Visit for details, or email questions to
Important Notices:
If you would like your work displayed here please send jpg to Karin
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Memory jogs
Our meetings (and blog posts!) are only as interesting and involving as you, the members, make them.
A repost from earlier in the blog: Our next meeting in Calgary will be in September and it will be a "Powered by Pecha
Kucha "evening. What is Pecha Kucha you might ask? Look here.
If you would like to present 20 slides (about 20 seconds each) = a 7
minute presentation please think about it and get in touch. There is
plenty of time to plan for this. It can be on any art subject you wish,
your own work, a person who inspires you, an exhibition you saw years
ago, or this summer....or the great classics in fine art.
We had 8 members from Alberta
at the San Antonio SDA conference. You know who you are! I hope you had a great time. I do hope that, as a group, you might put
together a 7 minute presentation to tell us about your experiences - for
the September meeting.
Date and venue to be announced at later date.
If you are donating a piece to the Alberta Flood Rose Project, Friday (July 26) is the deadline for turning your work into one of the venues specified. I know i'll be working hard today to finish mine!
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
pencil it in
If you enjoyed Eveline Kolijn's talk (with Romy Straathof ) at the first Alberta SDA meeting, you might want to hear her again and see new work. Solo exhibition of prints, print-installations, small sculpture and carved furniture by Eveline Kolijn at the DaDe Gallery in Inglewood, Calgary, July 26-Sept 8.
Eveline will be giving an artist talk and presentation on August 22, at 19:00.
wonderful creative owners and directors of DaDe, Greg and Darcy, have
allowed me plenty space to exhibit a wide variety of work, with lots of
room for my personal exploration: everything is connected!
Eveline will be giving an artist talk and presentation on August 22, at 19:00.
wonderful creative owners and directors of DaDe, Greg and Darcy, have
allowed me plenty space to exhibit a wide variety of work, with lots of
room for my personal exploration: everything is connected!
I have worked hard to finish a couple of new prints, Styrofoam work and a brand new carved Sideboard!"
282 S. High Street PO Box 360
Sebastopol, CA 95472 Sebastopol, CA 95473
For Immediate Release
Innovations in Fiber Art VI
International Juried Fiber Art Exhibition
October 24 – November 30, 2013
Contact: Catherine Devriese
Sebastopol Center for the Arts
(707) 829-4797 Mon. – Fri. 10 am – 4 pm,
SEBASTOPOL: Sebastopol Center for the Arts and Surface Design Association present Innovations in Fiber Art VI,
an international juried exhibition of thought-provoking, unconventional
and innovative fiber artworks expressed in a range of materials.
Jurors are Susan Taber Avila, artist and Professor of Design
(Textiles and Fashion) at the University of California, Davis and
Chutian Scholar at Wuhan Textile University in Wuhan, China. She has
exhibited work in Argentina, China, Costa Rica, Hong Kong, Lithuania,
Mexico, Swaziland, and the UK as well as numerous exhibitions in the
United States. Susan Taber Avila’s artwork is included in several books
and periodicals and she has published articles in Fiberarts, Ornament, and Surface Design Journal.
She was the co-creator of the website, (1999-2010) and
she currently serves on the Board of Directors for the Surface Design
Joan Schulze, Independent artist and lecturer, whose work
has been shown in numerous museums and galleries worldwide since the
1970s. She exhibits and teaches internationally and is highly regarded
for her work in collage and the fiber arts. Reviewers have called her
the female “Rauschenberg”. Since 2000, Schulze has been juror, advisor
and the 2012 jury chair for From Lausanne to Beijing, the International Fiber Art Biennale.
She participated in the 4th Riga International Textiles & Fibre
Triennial in Latvia; in 2012 a solo show in Lisbon, Portugal. Her studio
is in San Francisco, California.
For the exhibition prospectus go to
Awards: $500 Best of Show, $100 Second Prize, $100 Third Prize, Merit Awards, Awards of Excellence from SCA and SDA
Submission Deadline: September 9, 2013.
The show opens with a reception on Thursday, October 24, 6 pm – 7:30 pm, and runs through November 30, 2013
Sebastopol Center for the Arts, 282 S. High Street, Sebastopol, CA 95472, 707/829-4797.
Gallery Hours: Tuesday – Friday, 10 am – 4 pm, Saturday 1 – 4 pm.
Admission is free
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Change of Venue for "Art of the Book"
This affects the exhibition only, not the conference.
We regretfully announce that due to the impact of recent flooding on the
downtown core of Calgary, CBBAG has been advised that the Museum of
Contemporary Art has cancelled programming and will not re-open unti September.
The planned opening and show of Art of the Book 2013 will not take place at MOCA.
CBBAG has confirmed the location for the Art of the Book 2013 Exhibition.
It will be at:
Endeavor Art Gallery and Event Space
1209 1 St SW, Calgary
Opening will be as planned Friday July 12, 6:30 - 9:30, and the show will
run until July 25th.
CBBAG wishes to thank DaDe Gallery for agreeing to host the show in our hour
of need; Endeavor is a larger space, so we will not have to cut the size of
the show to fit.
Thanks to all who have made such an effort with the locations scouting and
changes. Hope to see you at Endeavor or at the University (events open to
the public are listed on the attached poster).
If you can help spread the word we'd appreciate it. Our new poster is
Mary McIntyre
CBBAG President
We regretfully announce that due to the impact of recent flooding on the
downtown core of Calgary, CBBAG has been advised that the Museum of
Contemporary Art has cancelled programming and will not re-open unti September.
The planned opening and show of Art of the Book 2013 will not take place at MOCA.
CBBAG has confirmed the location for the Art of the Book 2013 Exhibition.
It will be at:
Endeavor Art Gallery and Event Space
1209 1 St SW, Calgary
Opening will be as planned Friday July 12, 6:30 - 9:30, and the show will
run until July 25th.
CBBAG wishes to thank DaDe Gallery for agreeing to host the show in our hour
of need; Endeavor is a larger space, so we will not have to cut the size of
the show to fit.
Thanks to all who have made such an effort with the locations scouting and
changes. Hope to see you at Endeavor or at the University (events open to
the public are listed on the attached poster).
If you can help spread the word we'd appreciate it. Our new poster is
Mary McIntyre
CBBAG President
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Calgary Arts Development: Calgary Arts Flood Rebuild fund launched
The Alberta Craft Council has been contacted by members wanting to know how they can help. We have been working with the Calgary Arts Development and encourage monetary donations to their Food Rebuild fund.
In the week since the flood there has been an outpouring of support and offers to donate to the arts in Alberta. Calgary Arts Development has launched the Calgary Arts Flood Rebuild project on with an aim of directing these offers to the arts community.
The Calgary Arts Flood Rebuild funds will support artists and arts organizations from across southern Alberta as they recover from the devastating impacts of the flood. The funds will be administered by Calgary Arts Development, in conjunction with other community and government partners from across Alberta whose focus is on direct support of the arts.
Suncor Energy Foundation has donated $50,000 to this campaign and will match $50,000 in individual donations!
Visit the Calgary Arts Development website for more information, or to donate...
The Alberta Flood Rose Project invites all Calgary and area visual artists to create and donate an original 4"x4" (inch) piece of wall art, depicting the provincial flower of Alberta, the wild rose. The finished pieces (due on or before July 26, 2013) will be arranged in groups of 100, and framed as a larger collection piece.
After being on display in a public location (to be determined) during the month of August, the larger framed art collection pieces will be up for auction at the end of August, 2013 with all proceeds to go to flood relief (Red Cross).
This will be a unique opportunity for individuals or corporations to own a piece of Alberta history-in-the-making, with 100% of the proceeds going to flood relief. These will be one-of-a-kind collaboration pieces by emerging and professional visual artists.
For more details, please visit the website
Artists are invited to submit works of wearable art for jurying - cash prizes will be awarded at a Gala Fashion show in Saskatoon, Canada on October 26, 2013. Here is an opportunity to unbridled your imagination and to explore materials and process not normally used in the construction of clothing.
This Wearable Art Gala is NOT about fashion not clothing, it is all about creating a new approach to what is worn on the body. There are three categories: Open, Corset/Codpiece, Headpiece, the only requirement: all submissions must be wearable. More details here.
The Alberta Craft Council has been contacted by members wanting to know how they can help. We have been working with the Calgary Arts Development and encourage monetary donations to their Food Rebuild fund.
In the week since the flood there has been an outpouring of support and offers to donate to the arts in Alberta. Calgary Arts Development has launched the Calgary Arts Flood Rebuild project on with an aim of directing these offers to the arts community.
The Calgary Arts Flood Rebuild funds will support artists and arts organizations from across southern Alberta as they recover from the devastating impacts of the flood. The funds will be administered by Calgary Arts Development, in conjunction with other community and government partners from across Alberta whose focus is on direct support of the arts.
Suncor Energy Foundation has donated $50,000 to this campaign and will match $50,000 in individual donations!
Visit the Calgary Arts Development website for more information, or to donate...
Call for Submissions: The Alberta Flood Rose Project, Calgary
Deadline: July 26The Alberta Flood Rose Project invites all Calgary and area visual artists to create and donate an original 4"x4" (inch) piece of wall art, depicting the provincial flower of Alberta, the wild rose. The finished pieces (due on or before July 26, 2013) will be arranged in groups of 100, and framed as a larger collection piece.
After being on display in a public location (to be determined) during the month of August, the larger framed art collection pieces will be up for auction at the end of August, 2013 with all proceeds to go to flood relief (Red Cross).
This will be a unique opportunity for individuals or corporations to own a piece of Alberta history-in-the-making, with 100% of the proceeds going to flood relief. These will be one-of-a-kind collaboration pieces by emerging and professional visual artists.
For more details, please visit the website
Call for Entry: 1st Saskatchewan Wearable Art Gala
Deadline: August 23Artists are invited to submit works of wearable art for jurying - cash prizes will be awarded at a Gala Fashion show in Saskatoon, Canada on October 26, 2013. Here is an opportunity to unbridled your imagination and to explore materials and process not normally used in the construction of clothing.
This Wearable Art Gala is NOT about fashion not clothing, it is all about creating a new approach to what is worn on the body. There are three categories: Open, Corset/Codpiece, Headpiece, the only requirement: all submissions must be wearable. More details here.
Short film for PechaKucha style evening at Puppet Power Conference, Calgary

Wendy Passmore-Godfrey, Karin Millson and Daniel Millson collaborated to produce a 7 minute film
for the PechaKucha style evening at Puppet Power Conference, Calgary
2013. The monotonic audio creates an almost hypnotic state, as one
hears the biological diagnoses of marine creatures, though one attempts
to stay connected with their visual beauty through the visuals. This is
preceded by a short poem indicating the reason the film came into being
through the "Fearless Use of Puppetry".
Friday, July 5, 2013
Member Exhibitions
July 6 - September 28, 2013
Hanging by a Thread
Artist Reception: Saturday, July 6 from 2-4pm with a special performance by Emily Ella Rigaux
Organized by Ilse Anysas-Salkauskas and Barbara J. West this exhibition uses textiles to explore the relationships among multiple generations of women. Along with Ilse's fibre art and Barbara's mixed media installations, their children and grandchildren were invited to participate in the exhibition.
Dana Bush, recent ACAD graduate and practicing ecologist, has a work in Coming Up Next: An exhibition of contemporary fine craft by emerging artists, at the Alberta Craft Council in Edmonton (June 20-July 27).
Dana combines textile art and ecological ideas into three dimensional constructions. The images are carefully painted on using Rozome, a Japanese wax resist technique and natural dyes, and the ecological concepts are expressed through the construction (translucent overlays, mobiles, circular books etc.). A Sweetness of Bees has three layers of silk organza. The bottom layer depicts the bees that we rely on for food and textile. The second layer shows the fruits and textiles we harvest because of the bees, and the upper layer shows the flowers from which they collect pollen. You can only see the individual images by carefully looking down through the layers - the three make an inseparable whole.
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
updates on "floodees"
I have heard back from a few who have "survived" the waters, and am glad to say all of us have regained our senses of humour, as soggy as they may be.
I will be posting news of member upcoming shows as soon as i replant my garden, taken with us in our move *during* the flood!
Stay dry, stay cool, stay creative.
I will be posting news of member upcoming shows as soon as i replant my garden, taken with us in our move *during* the flood!
Stay dry, stay cool, stay creative.
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