There *are* resources for artists who have lost studio supplies or studio space. I have copied this verbatim from the Alberta Craft Council newsletter:
Calgary Arts Development
Calgary Arts Development
is assuming the role of an arts responder hub; playing three key roles
of coordinator, information source and guide as well as relief provision. They
will be providing an assessment of the flood's impact of Calgary's arts
sector to all orders of government and key partners by Friday, June 28,
and they require your assistance in gathering this information. If you
are an artist or an arts organization that has sustained damage or lost
revenue due to the floods, please fill out this form.
you or your organization face an immediate crisis or need for
assistance, they will do their best to assist through their networks.
Please let them know if you face an immediate need through this form.
note that Calgary Arts Development do not have access to their office
and phone systems are not working. If you are trying to reach them,
email .
King Edward School, CalgaryKing Edward School: cSpace Projects is temporarily opening the vacant King Edward School for arts/community organizations and artists who have lost use of their studio and workspaces due to flooding this week. The school is located at 1720 - 30th Ave SW in the Marda Loop area. Temporary storage and/or operating space can be accommodated in our 800 sq.ft. classrooms in the heritage building and larger spaces can be mobilized if necessary. The site has power, plenty of parking, lockable spaces and working washrooms. Studio/workspaces uses can be for a few weeks. Storage can be longer. Contact Deeter.Schurig@cspaceprojects.
CERF Craft Emergency Relief Fund (US): artist emergency resources
Google Maps: Alberta flood information Alberta Government: Recovery Information
Elephant Artist Relief: Calgary's Artist Relief Society
News & Updates:
Alberta Emergency Alert: latest info on alerts and evacuations
Medalta: flood updates
Canadian Art: Alberta Floods Impact the Art Scene
Also My Sewing Room is doing something for those affected--not sure what --- but Anne Dale will be back on July 2nd and has something in mind.
Traditional Pastimes is also helping out.
There's an "open" FaceBook page Quilts for Calgary for those who want to stay in touch and lend a hand.
Share what you know: we all need information about the safety and well being of our members and what everyone is doing.