Important Notices:

If you would like your work displayed here please send jpg to Karin

Monday, October 6, 2014

a bit of a change

ADMIN NOTE: Please note the new address for the SDA Alberta blog/newsletter. Please bookmark, subscribe by email or follow in a blog reader/rss feed bookmark. Nothing has changed but the URL.

Also, a very big heartfelt thank you to "retiring" rep Karin Millson. Her boots will be very hard to fill ---and she doesn't have to give up the Calgary ones,  as she can still wear them in the Big Cowtown next year :) . Our new rep Leslie Barnes, bringing lively discourse and new ideas, will be building on Karin's legacy.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Autumn's closing in

ADMINISTRATION NOTE: I have added code to the template of this blog to prevent "pinning". We do not condone this behaviour at all: it is clearly stated in our sidebar that copyright belongs to the artist alone, and permission MUST be asked to share images *anywhere* else. If you currently have pinned any from this site, please remove then from your boards as this is in violation of copyright ownership of the artist, who exclusively has the right to disseminate any and all of their own images. 

Images posted here are with the permission of the image owner, and are always credited.

Opportunity for all:

Hi Artists,

An opportunity has come up for a retail space in Sunridge mall.  It’s on the upper level next to the Bay, 3,800 sq. ft. and would be available for  November 24 to December 7.   Based on the preliminary discussion with the relator it looks like I could fit in between 30 to 40 artist’s work in the store.  Also based on what the realtor said it would probably be $350. 00 a week per artist to participate.  Now, this looks like a prime location:  high end  foot traffic, pre-holiday time of the year and your art work in a place that is 11:00am to 7:00pm seven days a week.  When you consider that a one day show fee can range from $100.00 up to $285.00,  $350.00 for seven days is very reasonable (only $50.00 per day).  Participating artists can do one week or two (depends on the number of artists participating). 

So, I am sending out this notice to see what kind of interest there is with the artists I know.  As for the manning of the shop we would need a some volunteers who have a flexible schedule.  Since it’s only for two weeks I think it could be managed easily enough.

Please let me know what you guys think.


Nikki Nicole Musser <>


"Edge of the Forest", the Canadian 2015 SDA exhibit , now has its own dedicated site here. You still have until October 1 to submit.


 Creative Stitches show in Calgary again, this time at Spruce Meadows. Shuttle bus service is scheduled from the Somerset CTrain station, if you don't want to drive out there. Not a lot of art at these things anymore, but a fair number of vendors where you can snap up supplies, whether fibre or mixed media related. (Sorry about missing the Edmonton dates for those of you further North!)

Were you at Yoshiko Wada's workshops? Did you lose your indigo vat recipe? Maiwa has a clear set of organic vat instructions here.

If you were at the 2 day Organic Dyes and Pigments workshop, Karin has set up a dedicated blog to share photos and information. Invitation only for participants in this course, so please contact her privately, if you have not received an invite.

Three - Day Strategic Grant Proposal Writing Workshop (Sponsored by ISFD)
To be held at: University of Alberta

Edmonton, Alberta
October 6 - 8,  2014       8:30AM ~ 5:00 PM


 Karin and i will be teaching a 4 day course, combining extreme machine work with non traditional hand work,  at the 2015 Embroiderer's Association of Canada National Seminar in May of next year. Information and registration links are available on the site.

I am teaching a class online, open to anyone, The Third Dimension, a hand work course that
will teach you how to add more dimension and tactility to an already textural art, and to look at shape and line critically to implement design and mood.

Remember too, that if *you* are teaching anywhere, please let us know and we will share the information!

 Loosely, but in the fibre related exploration:

/WOMANKIND is a peculiar portrait rooted in wabi-sabi: accepting fleetingness and imperfection. Skeletal lines, twisting and winding upwards, climb to sketch out an irregular human form. The tough skinned graceful silhouette portrays an honest image of femininity. Heating the raw steel rods, they transform into soft elegant fibres to be formed, painted, distressed, and finally, weathered in the sun. This woven and tangled figure is a question of permanence, an understanding of mortality, and an appreciation of flesh.
Lisa Hodgkinson
Lisa Hodgkinson is a Calgary sculptor working out of the back of an auto body shop in Forest Lawn. A graduate from the Alberta College of Art + Design, Lisa is inspired by minimalist sculpture, fibre craft, Japanese design and Bob Dylan.

Friday, August 29, 2014

time sensitive info

 Diane Duncan has a few tickets available for this:

The Quilted Mouse Guild is sponsoring: Anna Hergert Trunk Show
5 Sept, 7-9 pm
Dream View Village
254 Riverview Point SE

Tickets can be purchased by emailing

Anna's site is here

Friday, August 22, 2014

-for Sept--

Solo show by Dana Roman,  at the CAG Gallery, September 25  to October 7, Canmore Alberta

Contextural's end of residency show "Organic Matters" August 25 to September 15, various venues through ACAD, Calgary, Alberta


I am interested in selling to  an artist (surface designer, yardage silk-screener, quilter, sewer?).  The table has a sturdy 4 x 8 foot plywood top which is padded with cotton quilt batting and then covered with a heavy cotton twill/satin surface cloth.  The table is bolted together and is easily disassembled and moved. The shelves underneath the top are removable. The table was designed for fabric silk screening and fabric painting.   The table is screwed together so it can be taken apart and moved.  There are 4 shelves under the table surface which can be removed.

The dimensions are 37” high by 4 x 8 feet.  There are wheels on the table legs which could be cut to make the table shorter if someone needed/wanted a shorter table.  I would like to get $300 for the table or will sell for the best offer.
    It is located in Coach Hill on the west side of Calgary.

 Susan Kristoferson 403-619-6875 (h) 403-668-0140 (c)

THINK spots to visit:

 “If it’s not about the fiber, why work in that medium?”

John Hopper at The Textile Blog always has interesting, and sometimes quite thought provoking articles and artist spotlights. "We can say with some certainty that artistically and poetically the relationship between the creation and the viewer is an important one. The moment when both the viewed and the viewer come together is one that is both magical and singularly unique. A moment that can never be repeated, never regained. "

Again (and again, and again.....), this blog is only as interesting and vibrant as members make it. Please send news of exhibits, workshops, publications etc to arlee dot ar at gmail dot com! All files must be as text docs that can be copied and pasted as blogger does not allow the uploading of any files but jpgs.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Calls for Entry

Your local reps still need permissions from some of you for emails!  Out of some 200 members, we have a list of perhaps 70 who have responded. You can send me an email with the appropriate response also to arlee dot ar at gmail dot com. Please put "Subscribe to SDA (Alberta)" or "Unsubscribe from SDA(Alberta)" in the subject header and your full name in the body of the email. Please do send as requested---i, and the area rep, get a lot of emails and saying "yes please" is not enough--yes please to what? :)


Deadline for submitting swatches to the SDA collection has been extended to Aug 31st. Details here.


Materialities: Contemporary Textile Arts
1st SDA International Exhibition
August - October 2015
Arrowmont School of Arts & Crafts Gallery

 This first in a series of SDA members' exhibitions will be curated by Namita Gupta Wiggers, an active and respected voice in the world of art & craft. You may know her via her various roles as co-founder/director of Critical Craft Forum, writer, curator-at-large and/or former director of  Museum of Contemporary Craft in Portland, OR (where she lives and works). Wiggers also teaches in MFA Applied Craft + Design program jointly administered by Oregon College of Art & Craft and Pacific Northwest College of Art.

 Call-for-entries will run February - March 2015. Work will be selected from digital submissions with notification in April. Prizes will be awarded. An exhibition catalogue is planned. Stay tuned for more information as it becomes available...


The Grand National is again asking for entries. PDF with info hereEntries must be postmarked or hand delivered by February 27, 2015 (Entry by CD, not emailed jpg as most are doing now.)


"Extreme Fibers" call still open at Muskegon Museum of Art. Info here, but entry must be submitted through CaFe.


Feeling really confident and able to meet a challenge? Submit a proposal to the Mississippi Valley Textile Museum for your own exhibit. Please note, this museum is in Almonte Ontario, Canada, not the Deep South, y'all!

Again we remind you, this blog is only as interesting and viable as those who contribute. If you have news, publications, workshops, or would like to share the results of workshops, exhibition reviews, etc, please do submit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Where is July going???

My apologies for the small font towards the end of this blog post: blogger is acting up again--i will fix as soon as it can be done!
A reminder that if you are doing squares for the Slofemist Project, they are due, completed or not, to Lois by August 1st.


YarnBombing Event September 2014

Do you love to knit or crochet? Are you interested in raising awareness about homelessness? We have a project for you!

We are wrapping a house in a prominent NW location with hand knitting and crochet to symbolize the warmth and comfort of home.

The Calgary Homeless Foundation (CHF) has purchased a  house. It is slated for demolition and a brand new apartment building, designed to house individuals who are exiting homelessness, will be built in its place.
This is My City Art Society is partnering with Calgary Homeless Foundation (CHF) to turn the existing old house into a stunning work of art before it is torn down. We are recruiting interested individuals, groups, families, etc. to knit/crochet 12" squares that will be used to wrap the house.
This sanctioned ‘yarn bombing’ will:
Have a strong street impact that draws people in to learn more
Reflect on the warmth and comfort of home and community
Serve as a reminder that not everyone has a place to call home.

This art project is organized by This is My City Art Society, a volunteer-run nonprofit organization that works with people experiencing who are homelessness and those at risk of homelessness to provide opportunities for positive creative expression in visual and performing arts.

The Details:
Deadline for contributing squares is August 26th
Drop-off locations for knitted donations:
Crowfoot Library: 8665 Nose Hill Drive NW
Fish Creek Library: 11161 Bonaventure Dr. SE
        Louise Riley Public Library: 1904-14th Ave NW
       CommunityWise Centre: 101, 223 12th Ave SW

Please contact Leslie Barnes for more details and information:
(p.s. ... We will also be accepting used, unwanted hand knit/crocheted clothing (sweaters, socks, mittens) or blankets

A similar project was recently completed in the Beltline at 222-15 Ave SW. See for more information.
For more information about the project or to get involved please contact:
Linda Hawke, Board President
This is My City Art Society;

Information re: the Canadian SDA exhibit "Edge of the Forest":
(via Jennifer Love BC/SDA) "Following is the response I received from the Edge of the Forest team, to a query I forwarded from one of our members. I thought others of you might also be wondering about the size requirements for this exhibition. (So I interpret this to mean your piece must be that specific size (16" w x 28" l), not within that size range.)"

The guidelines for the size of each submission are a fixed requirement, and we trust that each artist will rise to the challenge of adhering to it. Artists also have the option of creating a textured work that is up to 2 inches in depth.

Artists are also requested to follow the additional guidelines regarding sleeves for hanging and labeling, etc.

This being a large undertaking, we have set the requirements for ease in shipping and to facilitate packing and hanging of the works. More

importantly, we are aiming for uniformity in images to create a more powerful effect.

The name of the exhibit was given for inspiration, not necessarily for representing the subject matter of the work.

The Edge of the Forest Team


Ask Harriete always has wonderful information and discussion about various artist related topics. Though she is primarily a jeweller, many of her posts apply to fibre and other media artists. The latest on attracting more traffic to your "official" website is here.

 Love free motion, free applique, machine play, hand stitch, mixed media, Jan Beaney and Jean Littlejohn????

 Jan Beaney and Jean Littlejohn show the power and possibilities of free motion machine stitching in making wonderful, unique textile creations in a new DVD! They demonstrate how to work with a range of soluble fabrics, ways to design edges, cords and dangly bits and how to create wonderful, new, unique, cloths. They show ways to distort fabrics using a sewing machine and how to colour fabric surfaces. They share their sources of design, which include landscapes, natural forms and patterns and present ways of machining into hand-stitching, paper and synthetic materials.

As ever their enthusiasm, artistic skills, teaching ability and friendliness shine through. This is an ideal DVD, full of inspiration and guidance, for those of all levels of experience, including beginners, who want to develop their use of a sewing machine in the creation of their textile art.

Please visit the website: to see a clip from the DVD


Several (many?!) SDA members also took or are taking part in the Contextural 2014 residency at ACAD. Courtesy of Linda and Terri, here are a few action shots :)


Mention has been made before on this blog about "ISSUU", a free online reader that features many emags on a wide variety of subjects. If you're in need of some pure visual joy, inspiration or an imaginative kickstart, please see Maia Sylba's series of emags "MuseTouch", true feasts for the eyes and heart.

Textile Museum in Nebraska, a call for entry maybe????



Monday, June 30, 2014

IMPORTANT: if you receive emails from SDA(Alberta) or its (Alberta) representatives...

Canada has a new anti spam law that requires businesses and organizations to now have permission from anyone who receives their emails, whether they are newsletters or bits pointing something out that may be of interest to members.

Though we (SDA) are classified as a "non profit" organization, we still have to have express permission from members for us to continue sending these emails. The blog posts coming to your inbox may not be covered under this law, as the answers and regulations on the official government site do not address this issue, BUT as a safety measure, all members will be emailed in the next few weeks, asking for express permission.

When you receive the email asking for your permission, you MUST answer with either "subscribe" or "unsubscribe"--implied consent is not acceptable anymore. If you do not, you will be removed from the list, regardless of you wanting or not to have these sent to you.

Please spread the word as well, as some members neither respond to emails sent, nor are correctly listed in the SDA database (outdated email addresses). You can send me an email with the appropriate response also to arlee dot ar at gmail dot com. Please put "Subscribe to SDA (Alberta)" or "Unsubscribe from SDA(Alberta)" in the subject header and your full name in the body of the email. I will then apprise the pertinent "officers" and representatives of this acknowledgement. This permission will cover blog posts arriving in your email box, and the occasional information we may send out that is not on the blog.

This is also a good time for you all to make sure that your email address IS current and correct. Bounced member emails will also be removed, which may mean you get no communications from us at all, even if you want them.

NOTE: Responding here in the comments section on the blog does not constitute permission.

Friday, June 13, 2014

June meeting and miscellaneous

 Information on the June meeting, Skype talk with Saltspring Island Saori weaver, Terri Bibby, Thursday June 26:


 I'm sure you remember the viewing we had waaaay back at one of the first meetings of the SDA "Swatch Collection": now you can contribute to a 4th collection to become part of textile design history. Find form & instructions for sending in 12"x12" samples of your signature techniques and experiments at

Here's another way you can use your purchases to support SDA - at no cost to you! Shop via foundation that donates 0.5% of your purchases to SDA.

 1) Go to

2) Search for Surface Design Association then select it as your favored charity recipient

3) YOU shop. Amazon GIVES.

4) Amazon Smile will send you an email with links to install an Amazon button directly on your browser for ease of access to this program whenever you shop.

 Father's Day is coming. Shop Amazon and support SDA!


Entertainment , food AND Art :)


For the book artists, and ecoprinters/natural dyers, lovely interpretations and results. Jane Marie.

Classic "mark making" at this blog that showcases Asemic Writing, in all its connotations and permutations. And incidentally Sian Martin has a summer draw/mark along thingie. Both are very inspirational for developing new work, in new ways.

Intriguing mash up of collage, text and anatomy. (Some not for the faint hearted or easily offended.)

Sunday, June 8, 2014

June start ish


Extreme Fibers: Textile Icons and the New Edge, The Muskegon Museum of Art - MI, USA
 Application Deadline: November 14, 2014

The Muskegon Museum of Art announces a call for entries for Extreme Fibers: Textile Icons and the New Edge, a two-part exhibition that will feature artwork from established and emerging textile artists from around the world.

Part one of the exhibition is comprised of the artwork of some of the world's top fiber artists. Part 2 of the exhibition will feature artwork selected by a 3-juror panel (Ferne Jacobs, Gyöngy Laky, Namita Gupta Wiggers). Entry in this section is open to artists, 18 years and older, from any country. The exhibition will be held August 20 to November 1, 2015.

For questions or additional information, contact Art Martin at or 231-720-2575.

Learn more here
If you are interested in this, please respond ASAP to ensure workshop happens!! 

 David Kibuuka Batik Workshop(s)

Beginner workshop  Tuesday, September 8th and Wednesday the 9th  2014, followed by the intermediate workshop on Thursday , September 10th and Friday the 11th, location is the Millarville Racetrack Hall.

1)     2 day beginner workshop     $195
David has patterned templates to make your own design for fabric and sewing projects.  He also has templates to make portraits.  All supplies are included.

2)     2 days intermediate/advanced workshop   $195
This goes into more detail. All supplies are included.

A mininum of 8 people are needed and a maximum of 15 people can be accommodated. Please contact David directly, or Deb Solc , 

P.O. Box 76053
1500 Upper Middle Rd. Unit 3
Oakville, Ontario
L6M 3H5


Tickets are still available :

Yoshiko Wada 
will speak on

Sustainability in Textile Design & Production

Go to Eventbrite EventBriteand buy your ticket with a credit card.

MISCELLANEOUS: always has fascinating and pertinent information about "being" an artist, in addition to wonderful interviews with fibre artists, and reviews of books and materials. As we are present online so much, this is a great resource for your own personal development online :) The latest goodie is "Internet Marketing for Artists." 

Resource materials abound on several open library type sites, i'm currently in love with this one. Check out OpenLibrary, Gutenberg books or Online Books. There are also some fascinating emagazines available at ISSUU in a variety of topics and styles. (Some very startling as well!)

Thinking your doing yourself a favour by donating art, even to worthy causes?

Artist Spotlights at the Alberta Craft Council website include this month SDA member Margie Davidson and previously in August 2013, another "August" textiles artist, Matt Gould.

Thursday, May 15, 2014


May meeting of SDA in Calgary

Members and non-members welcome

Please come along to the next meeting

On: Thursday 22nd May
At: 1127-38 Ave S.W.
From: 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
A donation of $5 will be requested of non-members

Please bring some lap activity that falls into the general and completely stretchable category of ‘stitching’; this could include knitting, crochet/tatting…. or some such, hand embroidery or making of some sort.
This meeting is designed to be  a stitch-in, so that we can push work on with a project we have on the go and particularly if you are working on  a Slofemist project from a previous SDA meetings, do bring that….   

Arlee Barr will give a brief chat and demonstration of her recent works of stunning and flabbergastory hand stitched pieces.

During the stitching we will be discussing the future of SDA in Alberta.  There is news and I hope that many of you can attend to hear and give your feedback.

Please RSVP Lynda Williamson: 403-243-7411  
for more information,  Karin:   

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Special event notice

You are Invited to the public reception for TMC's Exhibit...
Flood Stories: creative flotsam on the edge of high water
 - at The New Gallery +15 Window, Epcor Centre, 205 – 8 Ave SE
 - Thursday May 15, 6 pm

Take a look inside the process of creating a limited edition hand-printed book that honours images and words from many contributors.

Stories and texts were collected from various sources including the homeless community.
The images include original relief prints made by youth at Inn from the Cold and screened photographs by flood evacuee Max Ciesielski.

Printmaker and TMC artist-mentor Eveline Kolijn leads this project that captures the rawness and diversity of emotions evoked by the 2013 flood.

The exhibit continues to May 31.
For more Information: 
See you there!
Linda Hawke
This is My City Art Society

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

little bits


Canadian SDA members: We have exciting news! The John M Parrott Art Gallery in Belleville, Ontario has agreed to accept the Edge of the Forest for a six week exhibition June, 2015 - mid July, 2015.   
(Call for Entry scroll down and click on link--i cannot put a direct link here because of blogger policies  in regards to "email" notifications, even Constant Contact!)

Images/entry forms due: October 1, 2014
Jurying: November 15 - 30, 2014
Jury notifications artwork to arrive: December 1 - 15, 2014
Artwork to arrive: January 1 - February 1, 2015  

Exhibition dates:

Mar. 1 - 30, 2015: Richmond Hill Centre for the Performing Arts, June - mid July, 2015: John M. Parrott Gallery, Bellville, Ont.    Aug15 - Oct 15, 2015 Fibre Conference/ Crafts Council of Newfoundland and Labrador

(This brings to date three venues that will be showing the exhibit)

The Edge of the Forest Team


Caryl says, "This is my first art show and sale. It is a mixture of pieces that I have been working on this past year including mixed media on fabric, paper and board; acrylic on canvas and paper, with a whole range of exploration and discovery."


Miscellaneous Interest: Historical perspectives, the making of period needlework, and interesting tidbits about how, why and where certain threads are made, or why they have gone "out of style"
~ The Art and Business of Surface Pattern design---more a commercial site for textile designs on conventional substrates (cloth), but a visual feast nonetheless!

Concerned about copyright issues? Much info here on how to find where yours are going:
and . There is also "src-img" which is added to your Mozilla bar.

Personally, it REALLY bothers me when people plaster copyright notices all over their own site, then pin/use/"share" without permission or correct attribution. When you find your own work linking to porn or equally specious sites, it's rather upsetting. And what to do when you do find them? File a report, though some sites make it very difficult to actually contact anyone. The best is to report to Google
And please--if you are using popular "sharing" sites, ASK permission first of the image holder and maker!!!

Karin used to live in The Sultanate of Oman and believes the only thing better than living in Oman would be to go there and study art.  Here is a chance to do just that.
If you want more information get in touch directly.
Greetings from Bait Al Zubair!

Bait Al Zubair is proud to present our new

‘Art History and Practical Summer Course: Renaissance to Street Art’ conducted by visiting lecturer Professor Dickerson MFA. Dr (RCA)

Bait Al Dalaleel’s Art History summer course at Bait Al Zubair is an excellent introduction to the study of contemporary art. It sustains and develops students’ abilities and interests over a four-week period and offers an outstanding opportunity for an intensive engagement with Fine Art practice in a historical and practical sense. The course encourages individual creativity whilst imparting a solid grounding in the practical and the aesthetic.

During the course we will be looking at both historical and contemporary art through a range of lectures, discussion-lead seminars and practical workshops. This will provide grounding in the history and theory of art which contributes to students' overall development as artists and their awareness of the relevance of these critical studies to the contemporary practicing artist.

Please find the Introduction to the course attached as well as the application package with all the details.

Limited space is available. Deadline for application is the 15th of May 2014.

Please contact for more details or call 22084747


And don't forget our May meeting on the 21st!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

MAY meeting

May meeting of SDA in Calgary

Members and non-members welcome

Please come along to the next meeting

On: Wednesday 21 May
At: 1127-38 Ave S.W.
From: 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
A donation of $5 will be requested of non-members

Please bring some lap activity that falls into the general and completely stretchable category of ‘stitching’; this could include knitting, crochet/tatting…. or some such, hand embroidery or making of some sort.
This meeting is designed to be  a stitch-in, so that we can push work on with a project we have on the go and particularly if you are working on  a Slofemist project from a previous SDA meetings, do bring that….   

Arlee Barr will give a brief chat and demonstration of her recent works of stunning and flabbergastory hand stitched pieces.

During the stitching we will be discussing the future of SDA in Alberta.  There is news and I hope that many of you can attend to hear and give your feedback.
It would be great also to have a Skype link to folks in Lethbridge and/or Edmonton so please get in touch (with Karin)  if you wish this to happen.

Please RSVP Lynda Williamson: 403-243-7411  
for more information,  Karin:    


Early Bird tickets for the lecture by Yoshiko Wada in August 
on sale now.
Save some money by purchasing your ticket early.

Yoshiko Wada 
will speak on

Sustainability in Textile Design & Production

Go to Eventbrite and buy your ticket with a credit card.
Early Bird Ticket Sale ends June 1st 2014

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Saturday, April 26, 2014

End of April

Next meeting is in only a few days!!! From FB, i have seen that Sian Martin is quite excited about this as well :)

From Angela Dale: Some SDA members may be interested in this. I am teaching a FOSSHAPE workshop this summer at Series Summer Arts School at Red Deer College July 14-18. It will be 5 days of glorious fun and experimentation in the costume shop there.
People can contact me (fabricadabra4 at gmail dot com) if they have questions about the workshop. There will be a limit of 10 participants. The college has accommodation available in the dorms for a very reasonable price.
 Many other courses are offered again! To peruse the list, go here.
ACC Around Alberta: Matt Gould, Alberta Craft Council + 15 Window, EPCOR CENTRE - Calgary, AB
Exhibition Dates: May 3 - June 30, 2014
Reception: Thursday, May 15, 6:00pm-7:00pm, drinks to follow at Wine-ohs
Location: EPCOR Centre for the Performing Arts, + 15 Walkway, 205 8th Avenue SE, Calgary AB

The ACC is pleased to announce the first Alberta Craft Council + 15 Window exhibition: Matt Gould, a selection of his fibre art. The Alberta Craft Council + 15 Window is located in the busy + 15 pedway system, with a diverse range of Calgarians walking through daily.

This exciting new exhibition space is possible thanks to ACC Board Member Kai Scholefield's efforts. ACC + 15 Window exhibitions will exhibit exciting new work by ACC members, partner organizations and cross-promote arts events in Calgary. The exhibitions will be two months in duration.


Exhibition: Hit & Miss: Yvonne Mullock, Project Space, Esker Foundation - Calgary, AB

Exhibition Dates: May 5 to July 13, 2014

Adopted as a means to make floor coverings from humble, recycled materials, rug hooking enjoys a long and creative history in Canada. For this exhibition, Calgary-based artist Yvonne Mullock, along with members of the The Chinook Guild of Fibre Arts, will transform Esker's project space into a live, functioning workshop. The artists will produce a hooked rug over the course of 10 weeks using materials sourced from local neighbourhoods, such as threadbare clothing and old household linens.

Announcement: ACAD Approved for Graduate Program: Master of Fine Art in Craft Media - Calgary, AB

After a recent review by Alberta Quality Council, ACAD has been granted approval to offer a Master of Fine Arts in Craft Media beginning in January 2015.

With the addition of the MFA in Craft Media, ACAD will be a destination for many members of Canada's cultural community wishing to further their education. By offering diverse and cross-disciplinary programs at both the undergraduate and graduate level, ACAD will be recognized as one of Canada's leading art and design colleges.

To read more click here.

Announcement: New Gallery, LoveCraft Gallery - Calgary, AB

A labour of love is how most, if not all, passion projects come to life. ACAD Alumna, Tracy Sutherland's most recent artistic endeavour is no different. Sutherland alongside close friend and business partner Daria Fox opened LoveCraft Gallery in 2013.

The gallery specializes in showcasing the works of new and emerging artists. Uniquely (in Calgary at least) LoveCraft Gallery also offer's Calgary artists studio space available to rent.

To learn more, submit a proposal, inquire about studio space or see the list of current exhibited work, visit their website here.
Event: 27th Semi-Annual Exhibition & Sale, Calyx Distinctive Arts - Calgary

Dates: April 26 & April 27, 2014 
Times: Saturday & Sunday, 10:00am - 4:00pm
Location: Crescent Heights Community Centre, 1101 - 2nd St NW Calgary

Artists will be in attendance to discuss artworks and techniques in painting, printmaking, sculpture, jewellery, metalwork, woodwork, ceramics, glass, fibre and more.  Different artists will be participating each day, so please attend both days.  There is normally a line-up of customers waiting for the doors to open at 10 am, so come early for the best selection!

For more information please call (403) 305-6708 or visit their website.
Call for Artists: Festival Gallery of Quilt Art, The International Quilt Festival, Quilts, Inc. - Houston, Texas

Image by: Sonia Bardella, Venice's Carnival, 2013 Theme: Traditions
Deadline for Applications: June 6, 2014
Exhibition Dates:August 2014 through August 2016

An international juried and judged exhibition of Art Quilts Prizes are awarded based on the interpretation of theme, excellence in design, and craftsmanship.

Exhibition theme: Home. Entries are quilts that speak to the theme. Any techniques-piecing, appliqué, embroidery, photo transfer, whole cloth and/or manipulated fabric, etc.-may be used as long as they are appropriate for the quilt (consisting of three layers) and the theme.

To learn more or apply click here.

 Putting Canadian Artists on the Map

Corinne and Gary Funk are traveling Canada, building a premier online Canadian arts market. What started out as a question, "I wonder what these artists in these small communities do in the winter to sell their creations?" has turned into

 Many disciplines and mediums are covered, and here's the shortlist for fibre :)

Many of you no doubt will have received this from SDA "HQ", but in case you weren't aware, dues are going up. 
We are writing on behalf of the SDA Board of Directors with an update about your individual membership dues. After careful and thoughtful consideration, your board decided the annual new and renewal amount will become $75 as of June 1, 2014.

 Full-time student membership levels remain unchanged at $35, however we are extending the student rate for two years after graduation to assist former students as they launch careers. This important outreach is subsidized by your member dues.

 (Postage to Canada/Mexico remains at $12 per year and all other international postage is $20 annually.)    

 SDA membership fees have not changed since 2008 and have been raised only twice in the last twelve years. During that time, expenses have increased for production of Surface Design Journal. Direct costs for the Journal represent 50% of SDA expenses; indirect, including administration, are approximately 70% - plus postage and operational expenses in general.

With your support, we've continually refined SDA website to more vigorously promote your work and events. We've added awards, grants, online exhibitions and other stellar resources. These benefits are funded by our yearly income - 83% of which is derived directly from your dues.

 We strive to constantly enhance and increase the benefits of SDA membership. The short list of future enhancements include:
  •     A refreshed SDA Website homepage that puts more emphasis on Surface Design Journal, ease of navigation and real-time information.
  •     A digital version of the Surface Design Journal for those who prefer the convenience of a paperless, mobile-friendly format.
  •     A 2015 Intensive at Arrowmont School of Arts & Crafts in Gatlinburg, TN will offer a venue and program that encourages in-depth discussion and exploration of current topics in textiles.
  •     More SDA member exhibition opportunities including an international juried exhibition at Arrowmont Gallery (August - October 2015). Other major exhibitions are being planned for future years.
  •     A Member Resource Team comprised of knowledgeable advisors to assist local groups in planning more activities, including meetings and exhibitions.
  •     Partner Membership Level will be introduced to develop closer ties with guilds and art centers, resulting in more collaborative opportunities for SDA members.

SDA membership will continue to offer these outstanding benefits:
  •     Quarterly print issues of Surface Design Journal delivered to your door - latest topics to keep you informed and up-to-date in the realm of textiles.
  •     SDA Awards & Grants. Membership dues directly fund over $12,000 in annual awards & grants - all designed to foster artistic development.
  •     SDA Swatch Collection can be borrowed or downloaded to excite your next meeting or classroom.Three collections, featuring a history of surface design techniques, have been labeled, catalogued and photographed, resulting in high-quality, downloadable PowerPoint presentations thanks to your dues and donations.
  •     SDA Website attracts over 100,000 visits a month with its gallery of members' work, online exhibitions, range of community resources and much more.
  •     SDA NewsBlog spotlights gatherings, good advice and new resources from both SDA members and the international textile community.
  •     SDA eNews emailed newsletter offers monthly updates on SDA benefits and initiatives plus member news and other opportunities.
  •     SDA Calendar of Events lists your workshops and exhibitions along with many other events of interest in your neighborhood and around the world.
  •     Personal exposure on SDA Website with the ability to add a profile, photo and 2-12 images of your work (also included in the Image Library), bio, artist statement, resume and links.  
  •     Opportunity to submit work for publication in Surface Design Journal's Exposure section.

With your help, we're making good things happen! Just take a look at our 2013 Annual Report to review a listing of initiatives from last year. Our momentum is strong and we want it to continue. 

Extend your membership for one, two or three years at the old rates until May 31, 2014. To renew, click on Get Involved in the navigation bar at top of SDA homepage or on Join Us at the top right.

 Thank you for your support. Your membership in SDA is greatly valued. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact either of us or call our office at 707-829-3110 -



Friday, April 18, 2014

April Miscellaneous


Member Exhibition: Western Threads: Contemporary Fibre Art, Royal Alberta Museum - Edmonton, AB

Exhibition Dates: April 12 - August 4, 2014
Location: Royal Alberta Museum, Edmonton, AB

Be inspired by beautiful wall art, whimsical dolls, colourful quilts, stunning wearable art and pictorial rugs with over 100 fibre art pieces on display.

This exhibition brings together the remarkable work by members of the ACC Member Focus on Fibre Art Association, the Heritage Rug Hookers of Saskatoon and the Studio Art Quilt Associates, Western Canadian Branch.

Visit here to find out more.


NEW Call to Canadian Artists: Fairy Tales and Folklore Exhibition

Deadline: August 15, 2014

Curator Intent - Dawn Saun­ders Dahl : I have always been fas­ci­nated with story telling and pop cul­ture. Many sto­ries have been altered and have fallen fur­ther away from the orig­i­nal. My intent is to curate a con­tem­po­rary art exhibit that fea­tures new art­work inspired by orig­i­nal folklore/fairytales/stories. My spe­cific inter­est is with Cana­dian Folk­lore and Broth­ers Grimm Fairy Tales, but other artworks/stories would be accepted. I am look­ing for 10-15 Artists to par­tic­i­pate in a group exhibition.

This call is open to artists across Canada, once I have submissions I will apply to exhibit the work in artist run centres.

For additional information click here.
International Call: World of Threads Festival - Oakville, ON

Application Deadline: April 22, 2014

The Festival is one of the most vibrant fibre arts festivals in the world. We showcase contemporary fibre and textile art in all forms. Ontario, Canada which is part of the Greater Toronto Area. Learn more...

Previous Festivals have drawn entries from 20 countries and 8 Canadian provinces. The flagship exhibitions were the Common Thread International exhibitions. The Festival is also famous for our "Weekly Fibre Artist Interviews" series which has already featured 110 artists.

Click here to apply.
Call for Submissions: Gallery at Milner, EPL - Edmonton, AB

Deadline for Submissions: May 2, 2014

The Edmonton Public Library invites emerging artists working in any two-dimensional or three dimensional medium to submit proposals to show art work in the Gallery at Milner, located on the main floor of the downtown Stanley A. Milner Library. Any three-dimensional works proposed must be suitable for our gallery display cases.

Email: or Telephone: 780-496-7000
For more information visit:

Visual Arts Alberta has a page for calls for entry as well, calls and dates ongoing and ever changing, so snap 'em up while you can ---i know some of our members have shown at the Southern Jubilee site, but there's also the Northern one! 
SALES (Marketplaces):

Ujamaa Grandmas will hold its annual Fabric and Yarn Sale at Woodcliff United Church on Friday, April 25 (4:30  - 7:30 pm) and Saturday, April 26 (9:30 - 3 pm). 

Join us for wonderful bargains in fabric (including quilting cottons, fancies, tweeds, fleece, and everything in between) as well as yarn, notions, patterns, books, knitting needles and other items. 

Or, clear out space in your home by donating unused supplies which will be sold to raise money for the Stephen Lewis Foundation's work in Africa. Any leftovers from the sale are donated to other charities. 

See attached poster for details. Hope to see you there!

EXCITING!!!!!!!!!!!!!   2014 RFP Request for Proposals – cSPACE King Edward


Upcoming Workshops at FibreWorks Studio on the beautiful BC Sunshine Coast.

Monday, April 14, 2014

What's on the Surface (second posting)

The set up went very well.  I recommend this as a job if you are looking to volunteer some time next time we do a show.  Very rewarding and learn from the experts!
Only when everyone else's work was up and deemed successfully hung, did our lead curator give her own work some time and consideration.
 Great shot of Wendy with her art work.... and a Noo Noo... sorry for those of you who don't know the children's show Teletubbies.  Not one of my favourites, but a part of British culture none the less.
Thanks A. for all  the help you gave us getting the room ready for the show and setting up and washing up wine glasses. You are a great kid.
And now that we have seen these GF gems,  by Twisted Tortes you WILL have your reward.
The evening was deemed a success this is part of the the room at its quietest! The gallery is to the right in this shot.  We had at least 120 folks talking art and socializing thanks everyone for making it a great evening.  
Thanks once more to Atlantis for sharing the space so generously 
to SDA for the Small Event's Grant

So, what next?

Don't forget to go here and purchase your ticket for the Skype Speaker Series with Sian Martin 
(Tuesday 29th April, 12-2pm)