Important Notices:

If you would like your work displayed here please send jpg to Karin

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

putting the pieces back together after the flood

I do hope that all are safe and as dry as can be expected now that the waters are receding in Calgary. Without monopolizing this entry, let me just say that after what i personally have been through, i will never look at a river the same way again. (Still love 'em, but sure as heck respect 'em a lot more now..)

There *are* resources for artists who have lost studio supplies or studio space. I have copied this verbatim from the Alberta Craft Council newsletter:

Calgary Arts Development
Calgary Arts Development is assuming the role of an arts responder hub; playing three key roles of coordinator, information source and guide as well as relief provision. They will be providing an assessment of the flood's impact of Calgary's arts sector to all orders of government and key partners by Friday, June 28, and they require your assistance in gathering this information. If you are an artist or an arts organization that has sustained damage or lost revenue due to the floods, please fill out this form.

If you or your organization face an immediate crisis or need for assistance, they will do their best to assist through their networks. Please let them know if you face an immediate need through this form.

Please note that Calgary Arts Development do not have access to their office and phone systems are not working. If you are trying to reach them, email

King Edward School, Calgary
King Edward School: cSpace Projects is temporarily opening the vacant King Edward School for arts/community organizations and artists who have lost use of their studio and workspaces due to flooding this week. The school is located at 1720 - 30th Ave SW in the Marda Loop area.  Temporary storage and/or operating space can be accommodated in our 800 sq.ft. classrooms in the heritage building and larger spaces can be mobilized if necessary. The site has power, plenty of parking, lockable spaces and working washrooms. Studio/workspaces uses can be for a few weeks. Storage can be longer. Contact

Other resources:
Studio Protector: an online artist's guide for emergencies
Arts Ready: Arts business continuity planning
CERF Craft Emergency Relief Fund (US): artist emergency resources
Google Maps: Alberta flood information Alberta Government: Recovery Information
Elephant Artist Relief: Calgary's Artist Relief Society

News & Updates:
Alberta Emergency Alert: latest info on alerts and evacuations
Medalta: flood updates
Canadian Art: Alberta Floods Impact the Art Scene

Also My Sewing Room is doing something for those affected--not sure what --- but Anne Dale will be back on July 2nd and has something in mind.

Traditional Pastimes is also helping out.

There's an "open" FaceBook page Quilts for Calgary for those who want to stay in touch and lend a hand.

Share what you know: we all need information about the safety and well being of our members and what everyone is doing.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Congrats to Margie Davidson!

Margie Davidson was voted and awarded Teacher of the Year at the Canadian Quilters Association conference and  show this May in Penticton!!

Here's a link to an interview with her.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

better late than never!

A few photos from the Swatch meeting in March!!!!!!!!!!!

If you subscribe to the new Fiber Art Now magazine, you will find in the Summer 2013 issue an article by Canadian artist Wendy Feldberg, who has written about several ecodyer/printer artists around the world, including myself (arlee barr).

Art of the Book

Don't miss this opportunity to see an astounding array of book arts--the show will travel for 3 years after, so see it while you can!!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

June miscellany

Call for Submissions: Small Treasures 2013, Banff
Deadline: October 11, 5pm
Show dates: November 16 2013 - January 14 2014

Whyte Museum Shop Art Show & Sale 
Show description
Challenge your artistic boundaries. Think inside the box, literally! You only have 144 square inches to express yourself. This is an open invitation for winter-themed artwork, in any media of two or three dimensions. In keeping with the Small Treasures theme, artwork will be restricted to a maximum size of 144 square inches, but not limited to any specific dimensions.

Media and Subject Matter
Works that will be considered include art in any media including but not restricted to oil, acrylic, watercolour, sculpture, glass and clay. Mass produced reproductions will not be considered. Preference will be given to works which reflect the show's theme as well as the natural beauty Canadian Rocky Mountains.
All artwork submitted must be available for purchase or it will not be accepted into the art show and sale.

Click here for more information and to download the submission form.
Harmony Arts, West Vancouver’s mid-summer arts festival, showcases a Slow Clothes Day, Tuesday August 6.

A Slow Clothes Fashion show, featuring the work of artists working in various fibre media to produce one-of-a-kind garments, will be presented on the main stage at the foot of 15th St., West Vancouver, at noon. The show will offer the work of over a dozen  artists, and is being co-ordinated by VGFA members, Monica Brammer,  Deb Ryan, and Ros Aylmer.

There will be an opportunity to have a close up look and purchase from the artists, after the fashion parade.

At 3pm that afternoon, Charllotte Kwon,of Maiwa Handprints will present Waiting For the Monsoon, Slow Clothes in India. Join Charllotte as she explains her involvement with the peoples of India to bring the work of their artisans to markets right here in Vancouver.

Slow Clothes are made, one at a time, by artisans steeped in the history and traditions of the process, and whose work results in articles of singular beauty. Two events not to be missed by lovers of fine textile work.

For more info on Harmony Arts, click here.

Architextiles at FibreWorks:  exhibition at FibreWorks Gallery in Pender Harbour, which includes work by SDA members Patt Wilson, Jennifer Cooper, Gail Hunt and Lily Thorne, as well as Pam Dangerfield and Nancy Riemersma. The opening reception is June 22 in Pender Harbour, from 2-4pm.
Please note that this exhibition will also show in Abbotsford - see invite for details.
Red Deer College  Series Summer Arts School.   
Series 2013 – Summer Arts School – Papermaking/Calligraphy Classes
July 15-19 – The Paper Landscape – Eveline Koljin & Romy Straathof
July 15-19 – Visual Poetry – Jacqueline Sullivan
July 22-26 – Papermaking with Gusto! – Susan Kristoferson
July 29 – Aug 2 – Calligraphy on the Go! – Sharon Zeugin
This blog NEEDS input from you, our members. No item is too small or unimportant! If you have news of local interest, an exhibition, an upcoming published article, a workshop, or know of anything textiley.please share!  You can email arlee at arlee dot ar at gmail dot com (Karin will be gone for the summer.) 
As food for thought and  a "jog" for action, i'm including a link to a friend in Ontario. Some of it is a bit personal to the writer, but she raises some good points about being a "member" of *any* group.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Hi,  Karin here....
I have not been idle recently and have some great things taking shape for next year and even the year after... some of those teachers get well booked up!
But I wanted to let you know that I go on shut down from June  till August.  Many people leave Alberta at this time and I too will be on summer leave and have friends visiting from Britain in July and Aug.

It has been a good year for SDA : Alberta, with 3 SDA meetings in Calgary and workshops with Lisa Grey in Calgary and Lethbridge, thanks to all  who helped get these going and especially to Cheryl Atkinson in Lethbridge for her help there.
We had a good time with Lisa Grey and I will upload some images shortly to the blog with some information on what went on.

I am thinking about goals for the next year and I would really like it if you get in touch with ideas of what you would like to see happen.  I am especially interested if you would like to be a focal point in your area - eg., Edmonton, so we can get some similar activities going there for SDA.

I have begun to talk about an exhibition in Spring 2014 and hope that many of you will keep that in mind.

Hot Topic: We have 8 members from Alberta at the San Antonio SDA conference.  You know who you are!   I hope you are all having a great time.
I do hope that, as a group, you might put together a 7 minute presentation to tell us about your experiences - for the September meeting.

Our next meeting in Calgary will be in September and it will be a Pecha Kucha style of evening, though I am just checking on copyright rules to do with this so we might not keep to the exact format of Pechakucha....
What is Pecha Kucha you might ask? look here.
If you would like to present 20 slides (about 20 seconds each) = a 7 minute presentation please think about it and get in touch.  There is plenty of time to plan for this.  It can be on any art subject you wish, your own work, a person who inspires you, an  exhibition you saw years ago, or this summer....or the great classics in fine art.

I will close with a link that I was given via a friend on Facebook....hope you like it.

All the best for summer,