Important Notices:

If you would like your work displayed here please send jpg to Karin

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Autumn's closing in

ADMINISTRATION NOTE: I have added code to the template of this blog to prevent "pinning". We do not condone this behaviour at all: it is clearly stated in our sidebar that copyright belongs to the artist alone, and permission MUST be asked to share images *anywhere* else. If you currently have pinned any from this site, please remove then from your boards as this is in violation of copyright ownership of the artist, who exclusively has the right to disseminate any and all of their own images. 

Images posted here are with the permission of the image owner, and are always credited.

Opportunity for all:

Hi Artists,

An opportunity has come up for a retail space in Sunridge mall.  It’s on the upper level next to the Bay, 3,800 sq. ft. and would be available for  November 24 to December 7.   Based on the preliminary discussion with the relator it looks like I could fit in between 30 to 40 artist’s work in the store.  Also based on what the realtor said it would probably be $350. 00 a week per artist to participate.  Now, this looks like a prime location:  high end  foot traffic, pre-holiday time of the year and your art work in a place that is 11:00am to 7:00pm seven days a week.  When you consider that a one day show fee can range from $100.00 up to $285.00,  $350.00 for seven days is very reasonable (only $50.00 per day).  Participating artists can do one week or two (depends on the number of artists participating). 

So, I am sending out this notice to see what kind of interest there is with the artists I know.  As for the manning of the shop we would need a some volunteers who have a flexible schedule.  Since it’s only for two weeks I think it could be managed easily enough.

Please let me know what you guys think.


Nikki Nicole Musser <>


"Edge of the Forest", the Canadian 2015 SDA exhibit , now has its own dedicated site here. You still have until October 1 to submit.


 Creative Stitches show in Calgary again, this time at Spruce Meadows. Shuttle bus service is scheduled from the Somerset CTrain station, if you don't want to drive out there. Not a lot of art at these things anymore, but a fair number of vendors where you can snap up supplies, whether fibre or mixed media related. (Sorry about missing the Edmonton dates for those of you further North!)

Were you at Yoshiko Wada's workshops? Did you lose your indigo vat recipe? Maiwa has a clear set of organic vat instructions here.

If you were at the 2 day Organic Dyes and Pigments workshop, Karin has set up a dedicated blog to share photos and information. Invitation only for participants in this course, so please contact her privately, if you have not received an invite.

Three - Day Strategic Grant Proposal Writing Workshop (Sponsored by ISFD)
To be held at: University of Alberta

Edmonton, Alberta
October 6 - 8,  2014       8:30AM ~ 5:00 PM


 Karin and i will be teaching a 4 day course, combining extreme machine work with non traditional hand work,  at the 2015 Embroiderer's Association of Canada National Seminar in May of next year. Information and registration links are available on the site.

I am teaching a class online, open to anyone, The Third Dimension, a hand work course that
will teach you how to add more dimension and tactility to an already textural art, and to look at shape and line critically to implement design and mood.

Remember too, that if *you* are teaching anywhere, please let us know and we will share the information!

 Loosely, but in the fibre related exploration:

/WOMANKIND is a peculiar portrait rooted in wabi-sabi: accepting fleetingness and imperfection. Skeletal lines, twisting and winding upwards, climb to sketch out an irregular human form. The tough skinned graceful silhouette portrays an honest image of femininity. Heating the raw steel rods, they transform into soft elegant fibres to be formed, painted, distressed, and finally, weathered in the sun. This woven and tangled figure is a question of permanence, an understanding of mortality, and an appreciation of flesh.
Lisa Hodgkinson
Lisa Hodgkinson is a Calgary sculptor working out of the back of an auto body shop in Forest Lawn. A graduate from the Alberta College of Art + Design, Lisa is inspired by minimalist sculpture, fibre craft, Japanese design and Bob Dylan.