Important Notices:

If you would like your work displayed here please send jpg to Karin

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Workshop with Jason Pollen. The Art of Textile Collage.

Please follow the link, at right, to see the latest on this.   **** UPDATED HERE**8th Feb, 2012**

June 2012 (Various dates)

Jason Pollen is President Emeritus of the Surface Design Association and is extremely highly regarded having numerous years of successful teaching experience behind him.  His stunningly beautiful work is held and exhibited around the globe.  and has designed textiles for world-class fashion houses including Chanel, Dior, Donna Karan and Missoni. He regularly collaborates as scenic designer for the Kansas City Ballet.. He was named Fellow by the American Crafts Council in 2006.

I have the pleasure of inviting you to join a workshop with Jason in Alberta, in June, 2012.  But register soon, the cut off date is February 21st, 2012. for more information.
Jason Pollen : Freefall  2011 44" x 72"
Wool, canvas, silk, linen, felted, dyed, stitched
Jason says:
"The Art of Textile Collage
This class will be provide a lively and innovative approach to textile collage and
mark-making using fusing and hand and machine stitching, in addition to
drawing and painting tools.

You will repurpose and create patterned and painted small fabric and paper
compositions. Harmony and dissonance, rhythm and mood, color and texture will
be the vocabulary you explore to expand your personal visual language with
expressive, communicative content."

 Jason Pollen: Barri, 2011 48' x 48"
Linen, silk, canvas, thread, dye, pigment

Alberta is a big place! The same 2-day course will be offered at 3 different locations across Alberta.

 June 4 & 5, 2012 Workshop FULL
June 9 & 10, 2012 Workshop FULL

New Date

June 12th & 13th Places still available.

If you are interested in this please send an email to 

If you are interested in registering for one of these events please go to Karin Millson's blog entry  HERE or all the details, dates, costs, and link to the registration form.
Or, email for more information.

Early registration is encouraged as the maximum class size is only 15.  Registration cut off is February 21, 2012.
Booking opportunities are equitable and will be filled on a first come first served basis on receipt of deposit and registration form.
Note: This event is open to all members of the public for equal price.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Visit Whyte Museum, Jan 2012

A crowd of textile artists descended on Banff last week and was treated to an informative talk by Barbara West on her work (shown in a previous post), and that of others from the Bow Valley Fibrearts group, exhibited at the Whyte gallery.  We then toured the rest of the exhibits on our own and I present below one or two examples of what we saw.

A large section of the main space was given over to the work of  Mary Garnham Andrews Master Weaver.   Most enjoyable to me were the collection of Xmas cards displayed in large cases as shown below.  These demonstrated her design ability and sense of fun which complemented well the bolts and large swatches that filled the remainder of the gallery. Stunning.

The work of the Articulation group was inspired by items in the Whyte Gallery's collection.
Only a small number of the pieces on show are illustrated below.

Preserved impression 4 is the work of Donna Clement, who chose as her subject, The  world famous Burgess Shale Formation.

 Ingrid Lincoln produced Illusion a delicate fabric of machine made lace based on the wedding dress of Georgina Luxton.

 This stunning piece by Vicky Newinton was inspired by a beautifully glass-beaded jacket in the collection.

Preservation by Wendy Klottz, machine embroidery and appliqué.

This from the show catalogue, and I quote "Wendy Klotz is exploring different presentation mechanisms to place physical separation between some of the layers.  Inspiration for her work comes from the natural beauty of Canada together with ecological and social issues that speak to her heart."  This is clearly evident in her work:-

Lesley Turner's installation Valuing Women's Work was inspired by a tea service in the Catherine Whyte House.

Gloria S Daly was inspired by the book Rocky Mountain Madness: E.Cavell, J.Whyte
Glacier 42"h x 38"w
Hand dyed indigo cotton & silk rushing
Hand embroidered (French Knots) and machine quilted

Wendy, Donna, Ingrid, Gloria and Lesley are SDA members

( If you would like your work highlighted here please don't be shy.  Send me an image and a short description and I will upload them for you.)

Call for Proposals

For Surface Design Association 2013 Conference
In San Antonio Texas

The 17th International Surface Design Association conference will be held June 6–9, 2013, in San Antonio, Texas, USA. The Southwest School of Art will host events preceding and during the conference.  Pre-conference workshops will be held June 1–5 and post-conference workshops will be June 10–14, 2013.

Proposals for 2013 presentations/demonstrations, exhibitions, and workshops will be accepted online January 17–March 1, 2012.

Complete guidelines for submitting proposals can be downloaded at


News from Alberta Craft Council
Go to their website and check out Margie Davidson's exhibition.  It is only on for a few days - don't miss her talk on the 26th Jan. if you can get there.

From SurfaceDesign - BC Blog
More news from World of Threads organizers - I hope some of you are submitting work to their exhibition. Did anyone submit work for their 2009 festival?:

Marjolein Dallinga of St-Sauveur, Quebec, Canada is our 45th "Weekly Fibre Artist Interview." (Marjolein participated the the Felt Amazing show at Urbanity last year.)
Read Interview:
Four Calls for Submissions for the 2012 Festival ends JANUARY 31st:

Gareth Bate, Festival Curator, World of Threads Festival

Location:  Toronto, Ontario, Canada

For those of you who maintain (or would like to..) a sketchbook practice, you may be interested in these blogs/websites that I came across today: 


Thursday, January 12, 2012

A Workshop with Dana Roman

Dana Roman, a local textile artist from Canmore is offering a 3-day workshop, 

Classic Silk Painting with a Touch of the Experimental

Here is some information about the workshop from Dana:-
"Classic silk painting" involves colour mixing, different resists, painting on dry and wet silk, texturing with the salt, blocking the spread of colour with the water, over painting with alcohol, etc...
"Touch of experimenting" (I believe that is something individuals will be able to do at home with the knowledge of the classic technique), but we will talk about and try the wax resist, working with the tjanting, working with stencils, finishing the wall pieces, overpainting with acrylics...
First two days we will be doing small samples and scarves, the third day we will work on the individual pieces. Depending on how many people I get, there might be possibility of signing up just for the first two days... it is always good to ask. One picture of large wallhanging is attached, painted by "classic gutta resist method".
When: February 17, 18, 19, 10am to 4pm with 1 hour break for lunch (if needed).
Where: In Dana's studio at 208 Benchlands Terrace, Canmore, AB, T1W1G1
Who: Silk painting for beginners and intermediate students.  Maximum 6 students
Cost:  3-day workshop - $450.00 Most of the supplies will be provided

Contact Dana by e-mail 

(Dana has 2 wonderful pieces on show currently at The Whyte Gallery, Banff)

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Thanks and More...

Thanks to everyone who has looked into the blog in the past week.
Please let me know if you have established a 'Follow by email' system, so I don't need to send this bog entry to you via an email...  otherwise you will receive it twice!


Just an Idea - Banff on Wednesday 11th January

Image: Barbara J. West, Faux Fedora (A Detail of Drinking Games), textile, 2011

If you can make it to Banff this Wednesday 11th January, I am suggesting an outing so that a group of textile folks descend on the Whyte Gallery in the morning to look at the textile exhibition there.  Talk to your friends and arrange a car pool but I hope to see you there around 11/11:30 am providing the weather is good.
If you have work on show there feel free to show some of us around, if you are comfortable with that.


Exhibitions around the Globe

From time to time I will add an entry on art from somewhere around the world... Send suggestions in if you like... I will include them in later posts... or add a comment of your own in the comments box.

Barbara Sorensen Dwellings V Installation 2010
Click here to read more about this exhibition in the Orlando Museum of Art

For our Calgary-based members 
Thanks to Bobby for suggesting this for the Blog, check out the Artist in Residence (Air) Program:-

Connecting Calgary

Calgary’s arts community connects our city to the rest of Canada and the world.
Connecting Calgary is a grant program that will provide financial support to activities occurring during Calgary’s year as Cultural Capital of Canada (April 1, 2012- March 31, 2013). If you are planning a project where you travel to share Calgary’s unique creative voice across the country and abroad, host renowned national and international artists here to inspire our community and draw others to our contemporary, diverse city, or involve Calgary artists as equals in creative partnerships with the world’s best, we want to hear from you.
This grant program is meant to assist in the development of artistic interactions between Calgary and the rest of the world by supporting high-caliber outbound and inbound artistic activity, presented in high-visibility contexts, as well as collaborative exchanges of exceptional merit.
DEADLINE: FRIDAY, JANUARY 27, 2012 - 4:30 p.m.
Click here for more information on Connecting Calgary.

Artist in Residence (AiR) Program

Calgary 2012 is requesting Expressions of Interest (EOI) from: professional artists of all disciplines,
historians and residency hosts interested in participating in the AiR Program during Calgary’s year as Cultural Capital of Canada.
The Artist in Residency (AiR) Program is designed to explore the Calgary 2012 themes of Looking Back, Calgary Now and Looking Forward and connect artists and historians with other aspects of Calgary’s diverse identity such as: commerce, sports, agriculture, science, technology and other urban and suburban experiences. Wherever possible, residencies will take place in unexpected, everyday spaces to engage and delight the public. Residency locations may include: community gathering spaces, places that are part of City-wide celebrations, sporting events and public transportation.
The AiR Program matches artists and historians with residency hosts to establish residencies, for up to 3 months, that fall between April 1, 2012 and February 28, 2013. Highlights of this program will be presented as part of the Calgary 2012 Closing Symposium in early 2013.
DEADLINE: FRIDAY, JANUARY 20, 2012 - 4:30 p.m.
Click here for more information on the AiR Program.

Cultural Ambassador Program

Are you connected? Do you know what's happening? Become an active part of the Calgary 2012 team as an arts and culture communicator, connector, instigator and facilitator.
Throughout your one-year term (March 2012 - March 2013) you will be offered the unique opportunity to join a movement to champion Calgary’s creative voice internationally and solidify our significant voice in the Canadian cultural landscape.
Click here for more information on the Cultural Ambassador Program.

About Calgary 2012

In 2012, Calgarians will celebrate the city's collective cultural achievements as Cultural Capital of Canada. Calgary 2012 is an independent, non-profit organization that helps showcase Calgary’s culture and create legacy projects to encourage future cultural achievements.
The goals of the organization are to raise awareness of the richness of Calgary’s cultural assets, empower cultural celebration and participation in every community in Calgary, to build a stronger sense of identity and have local and national impact.
2012 marks the centennial anniversaries of the Calgary Stampede, City of Calgary Recreation, Calgary Public Library, Theatre Juntion GRAND and Pumphouse Theatre.
For more information, visit